Today I have spend enough time on work so I think I can finally get down to blogging. By the way it snowed here today. Me and a few friends went out to play in it.It truly was a beautiful sight this pure white snow. It reminds u what purity is in this world rife with pollution of all kinds.
Lets have a look at this shloka written in the Bhagwad Gita -
'Karmanyevadhikaraste mafaleshu kadachana,
Ma karmaphal-heturbhurta te sango astvakarmani'.
This in sanskrit language and means that you have a right only over ur actions and not in thier fruits. So dont be attached to the outome of your actions, but dont practice inaction either.
I find this to be an extremely empowering philosophy. To some people this may appear revulsive, what is the motivation for working if u dont want any results? But this is not the correct interpretation of this philosophy. When it says that u have a right only over ur actions it also implies that it is your responsibility while performing any action to give it your everything. Of course at that time we are driven by an aim. Now this aim should not be the achievement of a goal but to do this job to the very best of your ability. By saying that you should not be attached with the goal it just means that even if the final outcome of your work is not as per ur expectations dont get depressed,just continue performing ur actions with full vigour.
There are many situations in life when the result of ur actions is highly contingent on luck, and this is where u should let go and not blame urself or anyone else for a failure. The 3rd president of USA, Thomas Jefferson once remarked “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” Luck is also one of the qualties Napolean looked for in his generals.
Luck, this simple four letter word which rhymes with an even fouler 4 lettered word, is possibly the only rational explanation for god. I am not a religious person, I dont believe in performing rituals and going to temples. I believe god manifests himself or herself through luck. What the believer calls 'a miracle of god' an athiest calls 'dumb luck'.So i guess both are the same thing.
But this doesn't mean that god gives good luck to the good and bad luck to the bad. The contrary happens often times. Given below is an interesting article I found on the internet about Albert Einstien's famous quote 'God doesn't play Dice'.
In quantum mechanics, many events look like they happen by absolutely random chance. Exactly when a radiactive decay occurs, exactly where a particular blip of light gets absorbed, etc seem not to be determined by anything in the way the universe is ahead of time. Einstein strongly suspected that these events all did have specific causes, but that the causes were somehow hidden away in some hard-to-find form. That's what he meant when he said "God doesn't play dice with the universe." Since that time, mostly over the last thirty years, people have followed up some of Einstein's ideas for experiments intended to show that the consequences of standard quantum mechanics are absurd. The experiments have not only confirmed quantum mechanics, but have convincingly shown that if the universe has "hidden variables" to dictate the outcomes of quantum processes, those variables are simultaneously hidden all over the place, not in any particular location. So it looks like Einstein's hunch was probably wrong. ----end of article
So this means that God does actually play dice, so he( or she) is someone gambling with the universe, gambling with ur life and mine. Be excited or be horrified, choice is urs. To end this blog here is another quote by Albert Einstien :-
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The
other is as though everything is a miracle.
Hold on, I cant end now as this reminds me of a joke
Once a professor was taking a class and wanted to teach the students what a miracle is. So he gave an example, "A man jumps of a 20 storey buildings but recieves no injury , what would u call this?" Someone said "luck". "OK, but suppose he jumps of the building again but sustains no injuries once again". At this point the class topper said " Statistics have shown that in the past, 1 in 500 people have survived such incidents, so it is statistically possible". The professor was getting impatient "Damn your statistics! What if the guy falls down 1000 times and survives on all counts. Now probability of his getting hurt is almost 1 according to your statistics. So now how would u explain this?". "Practice!", shouted the whole class in unison.
1 comment:
Hey manan, u too believe in the teachings of the Geeta? It's really nice 2 c sum1 from our generation to have understood it's signficance so well....otherwise most of the ppl feel that it's just another spiritual book....failing 2 realize that it holds the key 2 a happy n fulfilled life! CHEERS!!!
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